Tax Compliance

Grant Sellers, Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers

Tax Compliance

We explore the best options to help manage your tax obligations.

Changes in tax legislation are happening all the time by budgets, HMRC announcements and court cases. What was good advice last year does not necessarily follow as being good advice this year.

We advise individuals, businesses and employers on tax

Dealing with past events requires tax returns submissions which come under the heading of tax compliance work.

Here we prepare an individual’s self-assessment return ensuring that all relevant information on a person’s income is disclosed and appropriate reliefs can be claimed where possible.

Advance notice of intending transactions can enable matters to be structured in a way that accomplishes the objective in the most tax-efficient way in compliance with tax law.

For sophisticated investors who can understand the risks involved, investing in startup companies which qualify can secure a Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme relief. Another valuable relief is the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS).

For companies, we provide tax compliance, planning and investigation services

It is important to prepare tax returns that are fully compliant with HMRC’s requirements whilst ensuring no more tax is paid than needs to be paid.

We can provide you with the tax consequences of any planned transactions which it is best to know about before it is entered into.

When a business is set up, the owner can quite reasonably expect the following advice

  1. Is it the right business structure for you? These can be sole traders, partnership or a company.
  2. Is the business going to be 100% owned by you or with others?
  3. Is the tax cost suffered by the business managed to secure maximum tax relief and minimal personal taxation?
  4. Is the business to be VAT registered or not, or is any scheme better than the standard one?